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Syncfusion Data Grid

The Xomega.Syncfusion.Blazor package includes a data grid component XSfGrid based on the advanced Syncfusion component SfGrid, which allows showing and editing the data from your DataListObject in a tabular grid.

The XSfGrid simplifies the configuration of the Syncfusion data grid by using the configuration of the bound data list object and its properties and inherits its advanced features, including, but not limited to, the following.

  • Showing or hiding columns.
  • Resizing and auto-resizing columns.
  • Reordering columns.
  • Filtering the grid using various styles: filter bar, menu, checkboxes, or Excel style.
  • Searching for a value across all columns.
  • Sorting by single or multiple columns.
  • Paging and scrolling.
  • Grouping by columns.
  • Exporting grid data to Excel or PDF.
  • Selection of rows, columns, or individual cells.
  • Editing row data using different modes: inline or dialog.

For the complete set of the Syncfusion data grid features and their details, please refer to the official Syncfusion documentation.

The following picture illustrates the results grid for a Sales Order List view using the XSfGrid, as well as the Blazor markup used to configure it.

SF Data Grid


The current document describes mostly those aspects of the Syncfusion data grid that are either related to Xomega Framework or different from the original SfGrid component.

Data binding

To bind an XSfGrid component to a DataListObject, you need to assign the List attribute to the corresponding data list object in your view model and use XSfDataManager, which will use your data list object as a data source for your grid.

For each grid column bound to a property of your data list object, you need to add an XSfGridColumn element and set the data property name on the Field attribute, as follows.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj">
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.SalesOrderNumber"></XSfGridColumn>

To avoid hardcoding property names, we recommend defining static constant stings for them on the corresponding data object, such as the SalesOrderList.SalesOrderNumber above.

When a grid column is bound to a data property, it will use it to configure the default header label, text alignment, and formatting for the data values. It will also use the property's visibility to show or hide the column dynamically. All of this minimizes any additional configuration that you need for each column, which you can still customize using the plethora of Syncfusion configuration options.


You can also use a regular Syncfusion GridColumn element for any column instead of the XSfGridColumn, but you will have to configure it manually, and it won't automatically update its visibility based on the data property's visibility.

Grid columns

Column configuration for the XSfGrid component is done within the nested GridColumns element. Most of the columns would be bound to a specific data property of your data list object, but you can also have columns that are not bound to a specific property.

For example, if your column needs to display a combination of the first and last name properties, then you can set it up with a custom template that will format the values from those properties.


For such scenarios, we recommend adding a new ComboProperty or a computed property to your list object and binding it to your column. This will allow you to sort by this column, control its visibility from the data object, format it properly when both values are null, and minimize the column configuration in the UI layer.

Header text

By default, when your XSfGridColumn is bound to a data property, it will use the localized label for that property as the header text for the column. If your column is not bound to a data property or you cannot use the property label as the header, you can specify custom text for the header in the HeaderText parameter, as follows.

<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.OnlineOrderFlag"

Note that the HeaderText value you specify will be used as is and not translated to the current language. If you need to localize that text, you can do it manually by injecting a ResourceManager and using it to resolve the label, as shown below.

@inject ResourceManager resMgr
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.OnlineOrderFlag"

Column groups

You can stack columns in column groups by nesting them inside the GridColumns of another column. The grid will allow reordering the columns only within their parent column group. If you want to reorder them with columns outside that group, you will need to move the entire column group. To allow reordering columns, you need to set the AllowReordering="true" parameter.

In the following example, we group the Customer Store and Customer Name columns under a Customer Info group.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj" AllowReordering="true" AllowResizing="true">
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.SalesOrderNumber"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.OrderDate"></XSfGridColumn>
<GridColumn HeaderText="Customer Info" HeaderTextAlign="TextAlign.Center">
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.CustomerStore"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.CustomerName"></XSfGridColumn>

These columns will be displayed in the grid as shown below.

Column group

Column widths

You can configure a Syncfusion data grid to allow resizing column widths using the AllowResizing parameter. You can also set this parameter to false on any specific column that you want to disallow resizing of.

For the initial column widths, you can set the Width parameter to either an absolute value in pixels or to a percentage of the total grid width. You can also set the MinWidth and MaxWidth parameters to limit the width of the column that it can be resized to.

To auto-fit the width of the column to the currently displayed content, you can set the AutoFit="true" parameter for the initial column width and invoke the corresponding method programmatically as needed. The users can also manually auto-fit the column width by double-clicking on the column's right edge.

The following example illustrates various parameters you can use to control the column widths and resizing behavior.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj"
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.SalesOrderNumber"
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.OrderDate"
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.Status"
Width="80px" MinWidth="50px" MaxWidth="100px"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderList.DueDate"
Width="100px" AllowResizing="false"></XSfGridColumn>

Default formatting

The XSfGridColumn will automatically configure the column based on the configuration of the bound data property unless you provide a different configuration in the column definition. Following are the default formatting configurations that it will use.

  • The column will use a template to display the property values in the DisplayString value format unless you specify a custom template for that column.
  • Columns bound to a numeric or a date/time property will be right-aligned unless you set the TextAlign parameter explicitly.
  • For decimal and date/time properties, the column will set the Format parameter to the DisplayFormat and Format fields of those properties if that parameter is not explicitly specified.
  • For any property marked as IsKey, the grid column will set the IsPrimaryKey parameter to true.

Custom template

If you want to specify a custom display template for the value of any XSfGridColumn, then you can do it in the nested Template element. To display a value of any list object's data property in a particular format, you can call their GetStringValue method and pass the context parameter as a DataRow and the desired ValueFormat, as follows.

<XSfGridColumn HeaderText="SO Id" Field="@SalesOrderList.SalesOrderId">
@VM.ListObj.SalesOrderIdProperty.GetStringValue(ValueFormat.DisplayString, context as DataRow)

To display the value, you can also use property-bound controls, such as XDataText, in the custom template. In that case, you need to wrap the content of your template in the CascadingValue element, where you cast the context parameter as a DataRow, as follows.

<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.ProductId">
<CascadingValue Value="context as DataRow">
<a role="button"
@onclick="async () => await LinkDetailDetails_ClickAsync(context as DataRow)"
class="btn-link @(DisabledIfNot(VM.LinkDetailDetails_Enabled(context as DataRow)))">
<XDataText Property="@VM.MainObj.DetailList.ProductIdProperty"></XDataText>

Column chooser

You can allow the users to choose which columns to show or hide via a dedicated ColumnChooser option that you can add to either the grid toolbar or to the menu on each particular column. Of course, you can also use both options at the same time.

To show a column chooser on a toolbar, you need to set the ShowColumnChooser="true" parameter on the grid and add the ColumnChooser option to your grid's Toolbar as follows.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj"
Toolbar="@(new [] { "ColumnChooser" })">

The toolbar menu and the column chooser dialog will look as shown below.

Column chooser


You can customize which columns will be available in the column chooser menu by setting the ShowInColumnChooser="false" parameter on the columns that you don't want to show there.


To retrieve the data in Search Views and populate the main data list object, you can use flexible criteria defined in your CriteriaObject. The XSfGrid component provides additional in-grid filtering that allows you to further filter the data in the results list object or large child lists by setting the AllowFiltering="true" parameter.

Syncfusion data grid implements several types of in-grid filtering, as described below.

The filter bar is the default filter type, where you specify the filter criteria in a top bar for each column. All you have to do to turn it on is to set the AllowFiltering parameter as follows.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj"

Depending on the default operator for each column, you can filter text columns by a partial string entered in the text fields and use some comparison operators for numeric and date columns. For the columns bound to an EnumProperty, the filter bar in the XSfGrid will automatically display a dropdown list with a list of possible values, as illustrated below.

Filter bar


Filtering the grid will use internal values to apply the specified criteria. For example, any numbers and dates/times that you enter as criteria will be automatically converted to typed values.


The XSfGrid component allows you to enable searching for a specific text across all or several columns. To enable search, you need to add a Search toolbar item and, optionally, configure the GridSearchSettings, as illustrated below.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj"
Toolbar="@(new [] { "Search" })">
<GridSearchSettings IgnoreCase="true" Operator="Operator.Contains"></GridSearchSettings>

All columns are included in the search by default, but you can either indicate specific columns to search by in the Fields parameter of the GridSearchSettings or exclude a particular column from being searched by setting its AllowSearching="false" parameter. The search toolbar item will look as follows.

Grid search


The XSfGrid will search column values using their display format, which means, for instance, that you have to enter 4,357 for the third row above to match the last column since entering just 4357 will not match that display value.

Row selection

Syncfusion data grid provides a rich selection model, which allows you to select rows, cells, or both. The XSfGrid component helps you to synchronize the data grid's row selection with the selected rows in the bound data list object. This will allow you to write generic presentation logic using the list object selection rather than accessing the selection directly from the data grid.

There are two ways to keep the grid's selection in sync with that of the bound data list object. The grid can either propagate its row selection to the bound data list object or always use the row selection from the bound list. We discuss both of these options below.

Updating list object selection

You can set up your grid to update the row selection of the bound data list object when your grid is used for selecting one or more rows without a need to reflect the changes to the list object's selected rows that happen outside of the grid.

This behavior is enabled by default when you set the grid's AllowSelection parameter to true and use the XSfGridEvents element without a RowSelected handler, as follows.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj"
<XSfGridSelectionSettings PersistSelection="true"></XSfGridSelectionSettings>

If you use XSfGridSelectionSettings instead of the standard GridSelectionSettings element, then the grid will automatically use the RowSelectionMode configuration of the bound data list object to determine if the grid should support single or multiple selection unless you explicitly specify the Type parameter on that element.

You can prevent changing the selection by configuring a RowSelecting event handler on your XSfGridEvents element, where you can set the Cancel flag to true on the passed RowSelectingEventArgs as required.


To make sure your selection is preserved after you reload the grid with new data, you may want to set the PersistSelection parameter to true on your grid selection settings. You will need to make sure, though, that one or more of the list's data properties are marked with IsKey, or one of the grid's columns is marked with IsPrimaryKey.

Using list object selection

If you want to set up your grid to always reflect the currently selected rows in the bound data list object, then you can set the UseListSelection="true" parameter on your XSfGridSelectionSettings as follows.

<XSfGridSelectionSettings UseListSelection="true" ...></XSfGridSelectionSettings>

Alternatively, you can specify a custom RowSelected handler on your XSfGridEvents, as follows.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.ListObj"
<XSfGridEvents RowSelected="async (arg) => await LinkDetails_ClickAsync(arg.Data)"></XSfGridEvents>
<XSfGridSelectionSettings EnableToggle="false"></XSfGridSelectionSettings>

For example, if selecting a row is supposed to open a details view in the master-details view, then your RowSelected handler should check if the current details view can be closed, open the new details view, and then select the new row in the master list object, which will get automatically highlighted in the grid.


Your custom RowSelected handler should always update the data list selection as appropriate. The grid will not update its selection automatically when a RowSelected handler is present to keep its selection in sync with the bound data list object.


The Syncfusion grid component provides powerful capabilities for editing its rows and cells. The XSfGrid builds on these capabilities to leverage the bound data list object and its data properties, which simplifies the configuration of the editable grids.

To enable editing of your XSfGrid, you need to configure it as follows.

  • Enable selection by setting the AllowSelection parameter.
  • Add Toolbar items to allow adding, editing, and deleting the selected row, as needed. You also need to add toolbar items for canceling the edits and for updating the row being edited with the new values.
  • Add GridEditSettings and configure the AllowAdding, AllowEditing, and AllowDeleting parameters as appropriate.

Syncfusion grid provides a ton of other configuration parameters to fine-tune the editing setup.

The following snippet illustrates this configuration.

<XSfGrid List="@VM.MainObj.DetailList"
Toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Cancel", "Update" })"
<XSfGridSelectionSettings PersistSelection="true" EnableToggle="false"></XSfGridSelectionSettings>
<GridPageSettings PageSizes="true"></GridPageSettings>
<GridEditSettings AllowAdding="true" AllowEditing="true" AllowDeleting="true">
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.ProductId" Width="22%"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.OrderQty" Width="12%"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.UnitPrice" Width="12%"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.UnitPriceDiscount" Width="10%"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.SpecialOfferId" Width="16%"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.LineTotal" Width="12%"></XSfGridColumn>
<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.CarrierTrackingNumber" Width="16%"></XSfGridColumn>

As a result, your grid will have the editing toolbar for the selected row, as illustrated below.

Grid edit toolbar

To add a new row, you can click the Add button, while to edit or delete an existing row, you need to select it first and then click the Edit or Delete buttons, respectively. By default, the grid is also configured to start editing a row when you double-click it.

The XSfGrid will automatically configure editors for each field based on the bound data property. If the data property is not editable, e.g., when it's calculated from other fields, then its column will not show an editor. Otherwise, the default editor will be based on the type of the data property, as follows.

Edit modes

The base Syncfusion data grid supports several edit modes: inline, dialog, and batch. The Batch edit mode is currently not supported by the XSfGrid component, and the other edit modes are described below.

Inline grid editing is the default mode, but you can specify it explicitly by setting the Mode parameter to the EditMode.Normal value.

  <GridEditSettings AllowAdding="true" AllowEditing="true" AllowDeleting="true"

The following picture illustrates inline grid editing using default editors when some columns are not editable since their data properties are calculated from other fields.

Grid inline edit

Edit commands column

Instead of selecting a row and clicking Edit or Delete buttons on the grid's toolbar, you can configure your editable grid to have an extra column for edit commands, as shown below.

<GridColumn HeaderText="Edit / Delete" Width="120">
<GridCommandColumn Type="CommandButtonType.Edit"
ButtonOption="@(new CommandButtonOptions() { IconCss = "e-icons e-edit", CssClass = "e-flat" })">
<GridCommandColumn Type="CommandButtonType.Delete"
ButtonOption="@(new CommandButtonOptions() { IconCss = "e-icons e-delete", CssClass = "e-flat" })">
<GridCommandColumn Type="CommandButtonType.Save"
ButtonOption="@(new CommandButtonOptions() { IconCss = "e-icons e-update", CssClass = "e-flat" })">
<GridCommandColumn Type="CommandButtonType.Cancel"
ButtonOption="@(new CommandButtonOptions() { IconCss = "e-icons e-cancel-icon", CssClass = "e-flat" })">

With this addition, the grid will have an extra column at the end with the Edit and Delete icons on each row. If you click on the Edit icon or add a new row via the toolbar's Add button, the edited row will have the Update and Cancel icons in that commands column, as illustrated by the following picture.

Edit column

Cell validation

When you edit row values in the grid, they will be automatically validated by the underlying data property validation rules. The grid will display any validation errors in a tooltip below or above the corresponding field when you either leave that field or click the Update button, as shown below.

Cell validation

Custom edit template

If you would like to use a different editor for a specific column, you can easily customize it by configuring a custom EditTemplate for that column.


Just like with the custom templates, if you use a property-bound control in your edit template, make sure to wrap it in a CascadingValue element, where you cast the current context parameter as a DataRow.

For example, let's say that instead of the default XSfTextBox, you would like to use the XSfNumericTextBox control for the editor of the order quantity column. In this case, you can set up your EditTemplate as follows.

<XSfGridColumn Field="@SalesOrderDetailList.OrderQty" Width="12%">
<CascadingValue Value="context as DataRow">
<XSfNumericTextBox ID="@SalesOrderDetailList.OrderQty"
Property="@VM.MainObj.DetailList.OrderQtyProperty" />

Now, if you edit a row in such a grid, you will see that the Qty column uses a numeric box with up and down arrows, as shown below.

Custom edit template


For field validation messages to be properly displayed in the grid, you should set the ID parameter to the property name on the custom cell editor control, e.g., ID="OrderQty". It should also match the column's Field parameter.